Stirling Art Show the real thing
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Stirling Art Show the real thing

Jul 07, 2023



STIRLING – Dozens of artists and artisans were on display Saturday at the Stirling Farmtown Park museum, drawing a crowd of hundreds on a sunny, pleasant day for the annual Art Show and Sale.

While most of the exhibitors were stretched along the Village Street museum building, a good number also set up tents on the outside. They included, painters, photographers, wood workers, jewellery and stone crafts, fabric arts like knitting an crocheting, glass etching, even an author with her new book. One vendor was selling ice cream inside, while the local Lions Club had a busy barbecue booth selling burgers and hotdogs.

One vendor was Brian Robertson of Belleville who had a large display of hand-carved munchkin-like figures and delicate birds.

“I retired as secondary school custodian about a year ago,” he said. I got a wood carving magazine and with time on my hands I thought ‘I can do that.’” So I started carving.”

At another stall, Elisabeth Rodgers of Norwood displayed hard and soft cover copies of her first book, a fantasy called “Out of Darkness.”

This writer has placed it on his reading list.

And a large display of creatively etched glass by artisan Marie Foster drew a lot of attention. She operates a studio called Creative Worx and specializes in the hand-etched glassware and more. She and her husband also operate The Firefighters Store at 122 Parks Dr. Belleville.

The Village Street Building is an amazing operation in itself, a brick-paved street with dozens of authentic creations of store fronts from past years along with their furnishings and antique items. And it is still only one of several buildings in the complex. With the Stirling Fair set to run within the next few weeks, it is an ideal opportunity to check out this massive and riveting complex.

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